Startup To Scale

104. Finance Stories: The Limiting Beliefs Holding Us Back from Financial Success

April 03, 2023 Foodbevy Season 1 Episode 104
104. Finance Stories: The Limiting Beliefs Holding Us Back from Financial Success
Startup To Scale
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Startup To Scale
104. Finance Stories: The Limiting Beliefs Holding Us Back from Financial Success
Apr 03, 2023 Season 1 Episode 104

Conversations around finance are often stuck in budgets and forecasts, leaving out the most important part: our relationship with money. We all have limiting believes that are holding us back from fully engaging with our finances and this episode breaks them down.

All of us have deep seeded emotions from childhood that shape our relationship with money.

Listen to my conversation with Keith Kohler, the Financing Man to uncover how the limiting stories you tell yourself might be holding you back.

Keith is offering every founder in our community a free 30min financing strategy call to set your business up for the next 3 years. Just visit:

Startup to Scale is a podcast by Foodbevy, an online community to connect emerging food, beverage, and CPG founders to great resources and partners to grow their business. Visit us at to learn about becoming a member or an industry partner today.

Show Notes Transcript

Conversations around finance are often stuck in budgets and forecasts, leaving out the most important part: our relationship with money. We all have limiting believes that are holding us back from fully engaging with our finances and this episode breaks them down.

All of us have deep seeded emotions from childhood that shape our relationship with money.

Listen to my conversation with Keith Kohler, the Financing Man to uncover how the limiting stories you tell yourself might be holding you back.

Keith is offering every founder in our community a free 30min financing strategy call to set your business up for the next 3 years. Just visit:

Startup to Scale is a podcast by Foodbevy, an online community to connect emerging food, beverage, and CPG founders to great resources and partners to grow their business. Visit us at to learn about becoming a member or an industry partner today.

Financing Man

Jordan Buckner: [00:00:00] For today's episode, I'm going to be talking about finance, but not the typical frameworks and spreadsheets that we usually talk about today. I wanna talk about the mindset. Beliefs that we as founders and entrepreneurs have around money, the stories that we tell ourselves and the limiting beliefs that are holding us back from truly being successful with our business and our personal finance journey.

And for this conversation, I have the pleasure of inviting on my friend Keith Kohler, who is the finance man and. What really has struck me from meeting Keith over the past few months is how he really comes at finance from a place of understanding and making finance work for you as a founder, as an entrepreneur, to be able to build.

[00:01:00] Success into your journey so that money doesn't have to be the, the frightening, scary, or kind of boogeyman thing that it tends to be. So, Keith, welcome to the program today. Thank you, Jordan. I appreciate the opportunity to be here and be of service to your listeners out there. I had the opportunity to participate in one of Keith's retreats a month ago now or so.

Mm-hmm. and Keith, I'll tell you, like going into it, I thought like, oh, finance, I have a pretty good grasp and I've been doing it for a number of years. It was a three day retreat and I was like, oh, it'll probably just be a lot of like information that I know already. , I can genuinely say that it was all things that were completely new things that I had never thought about as a founder.

And I've been doing this for a decade almost now and really opened my eyes to things that I never really realized. And a lot of that comes down to just. , a lot of us as individuals just don't have [00:02:00] conversations and real genuine conversations about money. And so I want to really talk with you today about some of those stories and some of those mindsets and beliefs that founders have.

And would love to kind of for you to share kind of your approach to finance with that mindset. . Yeah. That's awesome. Jordan, I appreciate that. And first of all, I was really pleased to have you at the retreat because you showed up in a a spirit of service and a contribution as well as there to be someone receiving and learning.

And it's funny, when I first conceived of this retreat, I've been in a mastermind group since October, 2019 and led by a very dynamic woman named Michelle Villalobos. and I'm the only person in that group who has a finance background and is working in finance. And what was interesting is over time , the group people come and go.

It ranges from say, 20 to 25 members at any one time. And not surprisingly, people excited to get to know everybody and. , usually people have a bit of that spotlight moment of their moment in the sun where they talk a [00:03:00] little bit more in detail in front of everybody else about what they're working on or what they're doing.

And my turn came around and I had had been having one-on-one conversations with people from all different types of backgrounds, but mainly service providers. So mainly people who are coaches, authors, speakers, consultants, things like that. Not a lot of C P G folks, but these are mainly service providers.

when I would bring up my topic about finance, you can imagine the zoom screen in front of you, and you can imagine the scowls or the ugh, like bury their head in their hands or just like all the air would go outta the room for about nine out of 10 people. And when I first thought about that, I thought, okay, right.

When I thought of my retreat, making the numbers work for you, the word that always became, that I thought at first would be the most interesting was the word work. So like you, I thought, okay, if I can just give everybody tips and tools, practical ideas, ways to build your finance team, which we're still doing, and yet as I had more and more of these discussions, , I realized making the numbers work for you.

The word [00:04:00] you really popped up energetically as being more important to address. And here I was in a group full of people that very self-expressed, really wanting to contribute to discussions on whatever topics we addressed. And so for the very, very first time, I heard the word limiting beliefs. So here I am throughout all my life.

I had never heard that phrase and we were talking about limiting beliefs more in terms of say, like in a traditional coaching sense which might come off in a, either a therapy session or something like that. And then as I kept hearing it, I became more and more intrigued. I said, wait a minute, you know, I can create the limiting beliefs of finance.

Right. When you say limiting beliefs, what are, what types of things are are limit? Well, I think really when I think of limiting beliefs, the way I might define it is those things or those phrases or those stories or that we keep telling ourselves that prevent us from either succeeding or even addressing finance or even.

The approach or the management of finances in our business. [00:05:00] And I was really inspired, I'll never forget I wrote this list of 10 limiting beliefs. One night it took me eight minutes cuz it's just one of those stream of consciousness moments. And I did it in October. I, I wanna say it was 20, it was actually October, 2020.

It was just, I was after, I was still recovering from Covid and here I was. And it's one of those flashes where you're like all of a sudden wake up at midnight and say, I've gotta write this down. and I've been having fun with it. And so you wanna talk about them a little bit and see what Yeah, let's go into what those are.

Yeah. So I had 10 and I'll, I'll just put them in no particular order and would love to get your reactions to them. So one of them about limiting the belief of finances. I'll never understand it. I'm just not good with numbers and particularly that second part, I'm not just, I'm just not good with numbers.

That's a phrasing. I've actually. Word for word from many founders throughout all these years that I've been of service to them. And that phrasing usually comes from people who would have struggled with mathematics at some point in their school career, and usually it first forms [00:06:00] junior high school or the first time people do algebra when it's not just numbers and multiplication, you know, all that easy stuff.

It's more, it's more the complex side and sometimes people just come up with that limiting belief on their own because they say, I can't do it. And sometimes unfortunately, it's because they had a bad teacher experience or they may have had a really disastrous result on an exam one time. And sometimes it comes from peers where someone might be a really exceptional student in numbers in mathematics and.

they give a bad time to that student who wasn't doing so well, but maybe they could have done well if they felt more encouraged and more supported. And yet sometimes they, they just internalize that story. I'm just not good with numbers. And usually almost every time I hear it from someone, it's that knee jerk reaction.

Right? It's a safe place to say, I get to excuse myself because I keep telling myself this. . And oftentimes as many of these, there are things that happen as we're developing throughout our life and Right. Like one or two key moments over time. Mm-hmm. for sure. That last with us decades. [00:07:00] Absolutely.

Until we have that moment where either we decide that story doesn't serve us anymore, or you convince yourself that never was me or someone else in your. might be powerful enough to help you alchemize it, right? And prove to you no, you are good with numbers. And I would submit to Jordan that most founders really are good with numbers because they're still managing their business.

And while it might not be financial statements, that is easy for them, they can have an intuitive understanding about what they're paying in deductions or how their invoicing goes in and out, or, , and that's certainly numbers driven. So I tend to believe that everybody can be good at numbers , I believe, at least at some level. I love that. So what's the second limiting? Second one is there are other more important priorities in my business, and I get this a lot because have you ever heard the phrase Jordan, where someone will say to you, [00:08:00] Hey, I'm a sales and marketing person,

I'm an ops person, and they tend to put themselves in a box. , and they'll often say that once you take me beyond that box, oh no, no, no, no, I'm just not comfortable. I need to be in my tightly defined little role. And I'm not saying that's bad. Of course, there's no judgment intended with that. But to say that there are more important priorities, I think is a real story we're telling ourselves.

Because since we know for small businesses the number one reason businesses fail is because they run outta cash. can there, there are very likely, very few other priorities that can be more important than this one. And yet most often we see that the reason they run outta cash is not because they're not great businesses.

It's usually because they're just not paying attention to it or they're not being mindful or, or not getting the support or having a team that supports them and makes sure that the, the risks are minimized on the downside. So that's number two. There are other more important prior. . I definitely have seen that one a lot as well.

What's number three? Yeah, number three. My C p A has all the answers. And where do I see this come up? So, as we've talked about, I do a lot of help with people on getting financing for their business, and [00:09:00] this phrase comes up a lot when underwriters have calls with founders. and they'll be asking them questions like, okay, Jordan, hey tell me what that number is on your p and l.

And if I were, well, I'll use myself like, Keith, what's that number on your p and l? And if I, if they, if I look at it, I go, well, I don't know. My c p A prepared that. , that's like a real red flag, right? To not be familiar. So I can't say that everybody needs to have perfect mastery line by line, and yet if , you certainly could know the most important parts of your p and l, like really knowing your breakout of revenue, the basis of your cost to goods sold, the key areas of expense that really drive the expenses, not what was the telephone bill last month, but certainly all the sg and a factors and marketing and expenses, et cetera.

it is okay to say, however, Hey, I see that and I know it, but I'd like to corroborate some of the data and how my c p a or my bookkeeper arrived at that. But to be dismissive and say, I've never really looked at it. It almost kind of says, Hey, I'm never really gonna be on top of my numbers. And that's on your p and l balance sheet.

Anything that you might [00:10:00] be submitting to a lender. . You know, it's almost like the shark Tank effect. Whenever you watch an episode of Shark Tank, there is grill founders on knowing the numbers of their business. Mm-hmm. is not to throw them off, is to make sure they have a very clear understanding of how money's coming in, where it's going out, and how their business actually works.

And I think that mindset in general, like you don't need the high pressure stakes. Mm-hmm. But you should be able to know as a founder, if your business is working, how it's working and why, and what those numbers are that support. . Yeah, I totally agree with that. And building on that too is just the basics of how cash comes in and how cash goes out.

It doesn't have to be a cash flow analysis like you get from QuickBooks, but just that really fundamental operational understanding of how your business works. That's a baseline level even for an equity partner discussion and certainly for a funding discuss. . I love that. What's the limit? Number four?

Number four. It's not my responsibility. I hired someone else for that. So this is again, someone shifting out the responsibility of someone else. And while that's [00:11:00] a very dangerous limiting belief, I often find is that you might have hired a finance professional, a factional, C F O, A bookkeeper, someone who's internally supporting you, maybe not a W two employee, but someone part-time.

And now more than ever actually Jordan, I see a lot of times a misalignment of objectives. And so the limiting belief might be, Hey, I am a highly risk. or highly risk tolerant person. I want to grow my business as fast as can be. I'm burning a lot of cash. Now we know that's an old model, mainly pre pandemic, right?

And less so today, but still, you might have hired someone on your finance team that has a totally different idea that of how you should be managing your finances. And if you don't have that alignment about what's the strategy that supports the growth or the other KPIs or larger objectives of where your company wants to go.

That fact that you're saying it's not my responsibility, I hired someone else. They might be managing your finances in a way that's not how you want it to be done, or not aligned with your investors, not aligned with your other key stakeholders. So that's [00:12:00] the fourth one, and I think that. . A lot of times when people hear finance, they think about financial statements, but that that's right.

Mm-hmm. and how money is allocated and used and distributed and budgeted and forecast tells way more about the strategy and the story of your company than just what you'd ideally would report been used for taxes, right? Mm-hmm. or just for the investor conversation and, and those decisions can make a huge difference because maybe, as you mentioned, your business is operating at a.

Every month. But that's part of your strategy because you have investors coming in mm-hmm. You have a lot of cash on the balance sheet and you're trying to get to a certain growth level, right? Like, whether that's good or bad. That's just part of your strategy and mm-hmm. , you have to have people that know that and support it and can support the business around those goals to, mm-hmm.

avert other risk as well. Beautifully summarized Jordan. And, and to your point, building on that, I think we know that our strategies and finance can. , right? Because there might be that big opportunity [00:13:00] which suddenly says, like, I'll give you a perfect example. I have a wine and spirits company. We know a lot of them are driven now by celebrity endorsements.

So if the Jordan Vodka company were to get an amazing deal with Beyonce, suddenly you'd probably go into the red right now and spend a ton of money on marketing, leveraging all that she could bring to your brand, knowing that it drives your revenue and will give you a bigger piece of the pie.

Sometimes like let's say you might have been managing to profitably before, then you have this big opportunity which makes you change your philosophy and and your thoughts. And sometimes the people we hire or the ones we've shifted the responsibility to can't jump onto that bandwagon quite as quickly as we as founders can.

I love that. What's number five? Number five. Why is there any need to do any planning? I just put my money in when it's needed and take it out when I can.

How does that show up? Oh God. And I'm gonna confess I've been that guy. I think what it is, is sometimes people look at their business financials or their business money as an extension of their [00:14:00] personal checking or personal savings accounts, and particularly if they have a very narrow focus. a very short-term.

Like, okay, well I need to bring extra money now cuz I'm paying for my kids' activities. Or I may have specific family opportunities that can be spiky or we're going on vacation, so I need to take money out of the business right now. So usually I see that when people have very narrow, short-term focuses without thinking, but wait a minute, three weeks from now, I also have this big event with a big expenditure and I don't have any money coming in because my receivables are not co and that's what when the big problem is.

So for me, planning is can't just be a very short term fire put, outer focus. I really encourage everybody to, to the degree they feel comfortable. and hopefully comfort means going out 12 months ahead for some, that's too big of a mountain to climb. It's a little bit overwhelming to think in 12 months incurrence.

So I really encourage people to have at least a solid 90 day understanding about how it could look rolling forward, so that if they are making [00:15:00] transactions, like taking money out or needing to put money in, they really have a good understanding of those cash ins and outs and requirements. Usually I see that most people are able to bite off six months comfortably.

12 months more advanced, 90 days, I would say minimum. You know, that's one area where I've been fairly good in terms of being, understanding on taking, like putting money into the business versus taking it out, but really having a sense of how am I going to, like, regularly pay myself throughout the year.

That's a great point. And and really have like a clear sense of like steady cash flow. Cause it makes it easier on the personal side as well to to plan around if you can get to that point versus feeling like, oh, I just need to take everything out immediately. . Yeah, that's really a good point Jordan, and I think for many of your listeners, some people start out not paying themselves anything for quite a long time.

Some people then build to, well, I'll take a distribution when I can and then maybe many. of them, we'll get to a point where they could have a W2 component to their income. They pay themselves a certain select amount every two weeks. [00:16:00] They're on payroll just like anybody else. And then there could be a strategy to supplement that, right, with distributions, either because you have specific family obligations or family budgets, or you wish to have a certain amount of total household income or because it makes taxation sense.

So lots of ways to think about it. And as you. , you know, you've built up to a level now where you can say, Hey, I think there's a consistency here that I can count on. It's really hard when we're super spiky in the beginning, or when your younger founders say, under a million, know that they could have a $200,000 month and followed by a zero.

Mm-hmm. . Usually when they're at in higher levels, well above a million is when the, that steady state, can be a part of it. Well, and one thing that I always share as well, I talked to a founder who said, you know, I can't pay myself a salary. Right? Everything goes back into the business from a.

A mindset standpoint. I've found that it's very helpful for even early founders to pay themselves a regular salary, even if it's a hundred dollars a month. Right. Or like a couple, there's something token mm-hmm. to just like get into that habit [00:17:00] of saying like, oh, like I actually need money that's coming , to me from the business.

Maybe reinvest that. But at least you know that there's a portion where you are actually benefiting from the company in some. I appreciate your contribution to that because I had not even thought about that. But there can be something really quite satisfying to give yourself just a minute. It's almost like you're really honoring yourself, even though it, it doesn't make a big difference, but symbolically it is something, and I heard of another founder say like, you know, I realized I was only paying myself a hundred bucks, but I was like, Can I get, do 200?

Can I do 300? Like once I realize how small that is mm-hmm. And how it's coming. Mm-hmm. Then they'll do things to tweak the business and work so that they can actually pay themselves. And like you mentioned, most businesses fail because they run outta the money and or because they know the business cannot support the founder financially.

Right. And it's a hundred percent, yeah. Them resending so much money into the business and then not paying them back. That's a beautiful point. Thank you. So what's the next limiting belief? . Next one. I can figure it out by myself. This is one that I've struggled with . [00:18:00] How have you, how have you struggled with that?

Tell me a little bit more,

a number of ways so I won't go too, too deep. We can have those another conversation sure. Later about it. But I've always had this mindset of I enjoy problem solving and figuring things out myself. . Even as a child, my father would always ask me and say like, Hey, why don't you like ask your teachers for help?

And I would never do it, not because I. Think that they could help me, but because it was a sense of pride for me to figure things out myself. Mm-hmm. , and that's lasted throughout my entire career. I did my m mba and so I had a couple of accounting and finance classes. So I have a, I'd say like a good, like 80% understanding of everything.

But there's still , some mistakes that happen. And so for a long time I actually did my own, you know, financing, accounting, bookkeeping, and tax filing. Mm-hmm. . And as things have grown and gotten more complex, I've realized, okay, it's time to hire someone to help with accounting and taxes and actually just this tax season.

I started doing that and then [00:19:00] kind of going forward for the rest of the year, I'm gonna have an accountant who's helping me because I realized there's just things that I don't want to miss that are kind of critical to the business. I wanna make sure that everything is correct versus assuming it, and then also I just don't have.

The time and bandwidth to dedicate to every single aspect of the business. And it's part of my self growth and focus is understanding how I can bring in and help and targeted help to like really help with those areas of the business that I'm not crucial , and being able to do myself. That's fantastic.

You've gotten to a level where you get to choose really what you prioritize on in your business and the functions that you, yourself are attacking. And I agree with you. I'm. In that phase now too, where I'm hiring and I'm relying on more people to do some of these other areas that yeah I have done them in the past, and yet getting someone to do that so that I can focus on other areas that are more energy rich for me becomes even more powerful.

So you reminded me the, I can figure out by myself was part of my story [00:20:00] too, because I remember being in classrooms like I wanted to have the right. And if I didn't have it, I was afraid to A, admit it or B C b say, well wait, I can ask a question or I have resources to get that right. And you're right.

That's a very powerful thing and I see a lot of that originating in school. And also I, I must admit, I was raised in some ways to believe you have to sort out your own problems. You have to be mentally strong enough, you have to have the capability. And I think a lot of times we as men are expected to be that way too.

And that asking for help or allowing yourself to feel supported can often be interpreted as some level of weakness. Yeah, I definitely think so. Mm-hmm. . So what's the next belief? Next one is I'm making money. I'm.

everything's great. Why should I worry? Everything's great. What they're really saying is everything's great right now. And I'm not saying I'm not a doomsday person, but we know that part of our world of C P G is, yeah, sometimes we have to really be prepared for either a pivot or what if we lost a big costumer.

and I think where this particular [00:21:00] limiting belief got crushed a bit was during our supply chain tobaccos of the past few years, right? Where here everyone was going into the pandemic. There were so many people that were incredibly healthy companies, and then bam, right? All of a sudden I can't get this raw ingredient, or I can't count on my co-man, or people got sick and I can't have them helping me.

So, I think now this limiting belief largely has gone away because I find as a result of what all of us have been through the past few years, more people have a longer term planning horizon, are paying attention to everything all the way upstream, not just downstream but it is still a limiting beliefs that I see from time to time.

and the idea of needing to keep more cash on hand. And we're also recording this after the Silicon Valley Bank class, which is a wild, that's yes. Mm-hmm. weekend that just happened where, you know, tons of founders in. across the board, but number in the food and beverage space. I know Amsam and tea drops were two that I know of who said like, Hey, we might have just lost almost all of the cash that we had, right?

Because it was all in mm-hmm. [00:22:00] one bank and we think of all banks as being secured. Now, thankfully they've been able to access those funds, but you know, there could have been a situation where, , they couldn't. And so I think a lot of companies are really. Diving into their finances and saying, Hey, how can I de-risk the business as much as possible and not just leave things as a given?

Yes, for sure. I, it's funny thing because when I was growing up, I remember the first time I had heard of bank failures was there was a savings and loan crisis during the Reagan administration, but that was a news that didn't stick with. Where I thought later in life, blah, blah, blah. Now 2008, I think that hit everyone.

Those of us who remember that and maybe some of your founders were much younger at that time, and it might not have hit them hard, but that was so press worthy and pervaded our national dialogue that I think that really woke people up to say, Hey, I've gotta be careful where I put my money. . Yeah, definitely.

So, mm-hmm. , what number of belief are we on now? We are gonna go to number eight. All right. All right. Finance is only for people with an accounting or finance background or education, [00:23:00] right. So there are some people who will tell me, well, I'm not a bookkeeper. I'm not a C P A, you know, I don't have any training in this.

I could never be good at this. So that's a little bit different than, I'm not good with numbers. It's more about I don't have the credentials, I don't, I haven't studied it, therefore I can't be good at it. And I hear that a lot. Not surprisingly in the season we're in during tax season, where someone can say, well, I hand it off to my c p a, she or he does this.

But I never really understand quite what they're doing because I'm not capable of understanding it, and it's just not true. , most people can absolutely take the time to understand their their financial statements, their tax returns, everything that they themselves are signing off on, by the way, right?

And that we take responsibility for being true, accurate, and a faithful representation of our company performance. So I believe that the way to overcome this limiting belief is truly just to be engaged, be in great communication with your finance team, and ask the questions and really truly learn what you're signing.

So Keith, I, I think that that one's really strong as well and mm-hmm. a great [00:24:00] way to cap it off. There are eight, right? There are a couple more, but, we'll leave it at eight. That's fine. Let's leave it the eight right now. We'll let's run through the other two real quick.

Just to get them out there. One of them is super controversial and one of 'em is actually finances for men. Mm-hmm. , and I think that's a generational thing that I've. over the years, I think people a bit older, both men and women will, I often hear them saying that I think Jordan, for people, younger people, I rarely, rarely ever hear that because I think we've seen.

The important role of more women in the finance function. So I think younger people are much, much more used to seeing a diversity of genders in leadership positions and all levels in finance versus when I was coming up. Yeah. It was nearly completely dominated by men. You had very few women in the professions.

Definitely. I've definitely seen that mindset. And then what's number 10? Mm-hmm. number 10 is, I don't wanna know

I don't wanna know. I put my head in the sand. It's too frightening for me to see. It is, you can just imagine, right? Like, oh no, I don't want to hear it. We're running outta ca. I don't [00:25:00] know any, they don't wanna deal with it. And I think that, for me is the most dangerous of all the limiting beliefs.

 That's definitely a scary one. . Yeah. I think, I think one theory , that this ties into Keith as well is and one thing that is a revelation when I went through the retreat was that, our beliefs and across all these limited beliefs, they stem from, in some ways just emotional situations. Mm-hmm.

in some ways, traumas that we had from kids. Not always severe, but ways of seeing the world that we picked up or learned from our parents or our upbringing or surroundings. And I know you had a kind of a story around just like some of the limiting beliefs and where those came through from for you growing up.

Right? Absolutely. And as you mention, , a lot of these limiting beliefs have roots and money stories as you were alluding to. And those stories or those things that we've traumas or things that we've grabbed onto and fully internalize and dare I say, embodied them, come from the experiences in our families, right?

Usually and most frequently with our parents of how were we [00:26:00] taught to think about money or the actions that we saw within our family unit about how money was. used or misused how it was earned or lost. Usually it's the tight, it's that one nuclear family unit where we see it the most, but by extension, our aunts and uncles, our grandparents family, friends who have an outsized influence, and also a lot of times business partnerships that we've been a part of.

I increasingly see more. When I have, when I talk about money stories and limiting beliefs, it's as a function of maybe they had a partnership that went the wrong way, right? Maybe there was huge misalignment about how money should be thought about and how it should be handled within a business.

So exactly what you say the origin money, stories of how we get to these limiting beliefs is an important part that we get to dissect if we really want. , be honest about them, talk vulnerably about them, and with the hopes of alchemizing them or moving beyond them so that you can approach the management of your business finances in a healthy way and with the most [00:27:00] abundant mindset possible.

So per the reason that they stay, as you say, embody with us for so long is because as a culture and society, we don't talk about money openly and honestly. And because of. , there's few times to reevaluate those beliefs. And so I know, been listening all the beliefs, I'm sure that at least one, if not many of these have resonated with our listeners.

How should founders begin to unpack those learning beliefs so they can move forward in the positivity? Yeah, I think the first one is just like what we've been doing here today is right saying here are several of the ones that I've come up. , there's certainly gonna be a lot more that probably your listeners would say, wow, now that I think about it, maybe mine is one of those that was mentioned here.

Or wait, it's something else beyond that. And I think the first step towards moving beyond these is getting honest with yourself. And sometimes that's not easy. Sometimes that's something that we can do as individuals by really thoughtful [00:28:00] self-reflection meditation. , I find what usually is more powerful is if you are a part of a mastermind group.

If you are, have the ability to identify other founders or places where you can have these really brave conversations about, Hey, this is what I think is holding me back. And the good news is money stories. In the consumer finance world, there's a lot of writing on. . So people can read about it. If you just Google money stories, you're gonna see a lot of stuff.

But it usually about how you manage your personal finance. But there is some overlap with that in the business finance role. And then I think if you are so lucky to have coaches or other people supporting you in your business, these are conversations that you can bring up. And I believe as a topic, people could explore a lot more.

We just don't see it in media, right. . We see the technical language of money but these areas are not covered as much, but you know, maybe Jordan, we can by what we're doing right now, bring some awareness to this and, and get more of these stories out there. I absolutely love that, Keith. So thanks so much for joining me today and talking about limiting [00:29:00] beliefs.

If this is something that has resonated with you, our listeners email me, email Keith and share your stories and your limiting beliefs. We'll love to hear those. And if this is something that you're looking to move through and. Improve for yourself personally and for your business. Definitely reach out.

I highly recommend Keith's retreat making the amount numbers work for you. And Keith is also here to help founders within the Foodbevy community, create financial plans for your business. And so he has offered to sit down with all of you are a listeners, if you have a business to talk through what's your financial plan for the next two to three years, and really put together a strategy for.

and if it's something you're interested in, check other show notes. I'll put all the links in there and how you can sign up and get registered. But we are on a mission to make finance more accessible and make it something that you look forward to because [00:30:00] it's positive instead of being this thing that holds you back.

Yeah, absolutely Jordan. And you can certainly count on. now and always into the future to be of service to you and your listeners and the larger Foodbevy community. I just really want to close by witnessing you and saying, you know, what a beautiful thing you've created where because you are having these conversations indefinite in all the different functional areas that as a whole in the end, really support the founders and their ability to grow and go forward confidently.

I'm very grateful to be here and I want to thank you again for the work that you're doing. Keith, same. Thanks so much for being on today and looking forward to more that we'll do together. Yes sir. I'm ready.